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CC Routes

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The Complete Guide to Call Center Routing (CC Routes)

Effective call center routing is crucial for businesses to deliver exceptional customer service and maximize operational efficiency. This comprehensive guide will explain what call center routes are, their components, how to optimize them, and real-world examples of successful implementations. 


Call center routing, also known as call center routes (CC Routes), refers to the system used to direct incoming calls to the appropriate departments and agents within a company. The main goal of call center routing is to connect each customer to the agent best suited to handle their inquiry in the shortest time possible.  

With the rise of large call centers handling millions of calls per year, having optimized CC Routes is critical for minimizing wait times, improving first-call resolution, and enhancing the overall customer experience. Read on to understand the fundamentals of intelligent call routing and how to leverage it for your business.

What are CC Routes?

CC Routes are predetermined pathways used to distribute incoming calls to available call center agents. The “routes” use certain rules and logic to determine where to send each call, based on factors like:

  • Number dialed
  • Interactive voice response (IVR) selections 
  • Agent skills and availability
  • Customer value 
  • Language
  • Location
  • Time of day 

An effective call-routing setup allows businesses to streamline their call-handling process and deliver more personalized service to each customer.

cc routes

Why are Efficient CC Routes Important?

For companies that rely on call centers to acquire, support, and retain customers, well-designed call routing strategies are essential for:

  1. Reducing Wait Times: Appropriately routed calls spend less time in queues waiting for an agent. This improves customer satisfaction.
  2. Increasing First Call Resolution: Matching callers with the most qualified agents based on their needs leads to higher first call resolution rates.
  3. Optimizing Agent Productivity: Agents spend their time on calls that align with their expertise, instead of transfers and callbacks.
  4. Providing Personalized Service: Callers can be served by agents who speak their language, understand their needs, or are located in their time zone.
  5. Flexibility & Scalability: Intelligent call routing allows businesses to easily accommodate peaks in call volumes and scale operations.

Types of CC Routes

Call center routes can be categorized based on the direction of call flow:

Inbound Routing


Outbound Routing 

Outbound routing handles calls initiated from within the contact center outwards. Common examples are telemarketing and customer follow-up calls.

Blended Routing 

Blended routing combines both inbound and outbound call distribution. Agents could handle some inbound support calls and outbound sales calls.

Understanding your call patterns is the first step in determining your ideal routing strategy. Businesses should also consider future needs to build scalable and flexible CC Routes.

Components of CC Routes

CC Routes leverage various technologies to appropriately direct calls. Here are some of the core components:

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Systems

IVR systems, also known as auto-attendants, allow callers to self-navigate through a phone menu to get routed appropriately. It may prompt them to:

  • Enter extension numbers to directly reach departments
  • Select language preferences
  • Choose services like sales or support
  • Input account numbers for verification

This self-service routing via IVR helps filter and segment inbound calls even before they reach agents. It significantly improves efficiency in large call centers.

Automatic Call Distributors (ACDs) 

An Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) helps optimize call routing by:

  • Receiving, managing, and tracking a high volume of inbound calls.
  • Gather useful data like wait times, call volumes, and agent performance. 
  • Applying the programmed call routing rules and algorithms.
  • Distributing calls to the appropriate available agents.

The ACD system works seamlessly with the IVR technology to create a comprehensive call-routing solution.

Skill-Based Routing 

Skill-based routing directs calls to agents based on their skill sets, experience, and qualifications. 

For example, only agents with billing expertise may handle complex billing inquiries. Spanish speakers get routed calls from Spanish-speaking customers.

Proper skill designation for agents lets businesses align agent competencies with caller needs for better first-call resolution.

Geographic Routing

Geographic Routing

Geographic routing uses the caller’s location to connect them to the most suitable agent or resource. Calls may be sent to:

  • Local agents to establish geographical rapport with callers
  • Agents fluent in the prominent language of a region
  • Agents working standard hours matching the caller’s time zone

This location-based routing minimizes hold times and improves engagement for global businesses.

With the right components in place, companies can customize call routing that enhances both customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Factors Influencing CC Route Design

When designing your call center routing logic, consider these key factors:

Business Goals and Objectives

The overall business goals should shape your routing strategies. Is your priority to:

  • Reduce customer support costs?
  • Increase cross-selling and up-selling?
  • Lower abandonment rates?
  • Generate more sales leads?

Align your call routing approach to steer calls in a way that best achieves your core goals.

Customer Segmentation 

Divide customers into segments like:

  • New vs existing customers
  • Small, medium, and large accounts
  • Residential vs enterprise
  • Geographic region

Customize routing strategies to provide specialized services to each segment. For example, have dedicated teams for onboarding new customers or supporting premium accounts.

Agent Skills and Availability

Take stock of:

  • Agent skills like language, technical expertise, soft skills
  • Time zone alignment to callers
  • Tenure at the company
  • Part-time and full-time status

Route calls to agents who can best address the caller’s needs within the shortest waiting time. 

Time of Day and Location 

Call volumes and traffic patterns vary based on: 

  • Customer demographics and behavior at different times and days. 
  • Regional trends like business hours and cultural events.

Define time-based and location-based routing rules to account for these fluctuations and optimize flow.

By mapping routing logic to strategic goals, customer needs, and resource availability, companies can design flexible and effective CC Routes.

Benefits of Optimized CC Routes

Investing in CC routing optimization has quantifiable benefits:

Enhanced Customer Experience 

Efficient routing minimizes queue waiting, repetition, and transfers to create a seamless customer journey:

  • Shorter wait times – Calls reach the right agents quicker
  • First call resolution – Issues resolved accurately the first time
  • Personalized service  – Customers served by the best-fit agents

This convenience boosts satisfaction among customers.

Improved Agent Efficiency

Targeted call distribution allows agents to:

  • Specialize in specific call types aligned with their expertise
  • Build skills  by getting more opportunities in one area  
  • Reduce fatigue  from constantly switching contexts

This results in 20 to 30%  greater agent productivity.

Better Resource Utilization

Smart algorithms ensure calls are spread evenly across available agents. This prevents under or overutilization of agents.

Companies can then run  10-25% leaner without compromising on service quality.

Enhanced Reporting and Monitoring

Sophisticated call distribution systems provide crucial data like: 

  • Call volumes by queue 
  • Average wait times
  • Containment rates
  • Service levels
  • Agent performance 

Analyzing this data facilitates ongoing improvements in routing strategies and resource planning.

In summary, optimizing call routing has a tangible ROI in terms of customer experience, agent performance, and operational resilience.

Challenges and Solutions in CC Routing

Challenges and Solutions in CC Routing

However, businesses may face certain pitfalls in implementing CC Routes:

Call Congestion 

Sudden influxes in call volumes can overwhelm agents and increase wait times. Some options to handle congestion include:

  • Overflow routing – Send calls to predefined alternate destinations when thresholds are crossed
  • Temporary IVR messages – Notify callers of high volumes and set expectations
  • Agent call-backs – Offer callers call-backs when an agent is available

Dropped Calls and Poor Call Quality

Network outages and restrictions can degrade call quality. Tips to minimize this include:

  • Using reliable telecom partners – Conduct due diligence in the selection
  • Proactive monitoring  – Actively track network health 
  • Omni-channel options – Offer chat, and email to mitigate the impact

Integration Challenges with CRM

Integrating the call routing system with CRMs like Salesforce and Zendesk provides agents with comprehensive customer data. Poor integration leads to a fragmented view. Steps for tighter integration include:

Using compatible platforms- Confirm integration is feasible before purchase

Developing custom connectors – Build customized integration if needed

Updating in real-time – Ensure data flows seamlessly between systems   

Scalability Limitations

As business needs evolve, call volumes and traffic patterns change. The routing system should easily scale up. Tactics to evaluate scalability include: 

  • Forecasting call volumes – Project growth in call traffic
  • Running simulations – Test performance at peak loads
  • Right-sizing infrastructure – Choose scalable telecom and software
  • Planning capacity – Add agents, technologies, and costs for growth

By proactively addressing these pitfalls, you can maximize the benefits of your call routing platform.

Best Practices for CC Route Implementation 

Follow these proven guidelines for rolling out and managing call center routing:

Conduct In-Depth Traffic Analysis

Analyze historical traffic data by key dimensions like:

  • Call volumes by time of day, day of week, etc. 
  • Average handle times
  • Peak periods
  • Bandwidth usage trends

These insights should guide workforce planning and routing logic.

Design a User-Friendly IVR

The IVR provides the first impression to callers. Best practices include:

  • Limiting menu layers to 3 or 4 options
  • Providing clear menu descriptions
  • Offering common options like agent connect
  • Integrating speech recognition for hands-free navigation

This improves self-service completion rates.

Build in Flexibility

Expect call traffic patterns to change. Construct routing plans that easily allow changes like:

  • Adding new agent queues or skills
  • Modifying operating hours
  • Updating IVR menus
  • Expanding to new sites

This positions you to adapt seamlessly to business evolution.

Continuously Monitor and Refine

Leverage reporting tools to assess call statistics like: 

  • Traffic by time period
  • The average speed of answer
  • Containment rates
  • Abandonment rates
  • Agent utilization 

Analyze this data to identify chokepoints and constantly enhance routing performance.

Maintain Strong Governance

Document routing policies and procedures clearly. Have proper cross-functional change management processes before reconfiguring routes.

This ensures routing integrity and business continuity.

Disciplined design, implementation, and governance drive maximum ROI from call center routing technology.

Real World Examples of Effective CC Routes

Real-World Examples of Effective CC Routes

Here are two case studies highlighting the tangible benefits of optimizing call center routing:

Case Study 1: Teloz Enhances Efficiency 

Teloz operates a 500-seat customer support center for cloud apps. They struggled with misrouted calls and low first-contact resolution.

They implemented CloudRouting, a skills-based CC Routing solution. Specific issues were routed to skilled agents.  

  • 28% increase in first-contact resolution
  • 20% reduction in average handling time 
  • 15% decrease in misrouted calls

Skills-based routing delivered measurable improvements.

Case Study 2: AllConnect’s Time-based Routing

AllConnect sells home services like cable TV and internet. Their call volume peaked in the evenings when customers were back from work. 

They implemented time-based routing to align staffing to anticipated traffic. More agents were deployed in the evenings without overstaffing in slower periods.


  • 20% decrease in abandonment rate  
  • 25% reduction in average speed to answer
  • 15% increase in agent utilization

Time-based routing optimized resources for enhanced service during peak load.

These examples demonstrate the potential of CC Routes in improving critical contact center metrics.

Future Trends Shaping CC Routing 

Call center technology is advancing rapidly. Here are some innovations on the horizon:

AI-Powered Routing

Artificial intelligence can analyze customer data to accurately predict optimal routing in real time. This provides a hyper-personalized routing experience.

Omni-Channel Interactions 

Customers today use multiple channels like voice, email, chat, SMS, and social media to engage with businesses. 

Omni-channel platforms will allow seamless routing across channels using contextual data for continuity.

Integrated Customer Analytics

Call routing systems will tap deeper into customer data from marketing, sales, and support applications. 

This will enable routing based on integrated customer intelligence like lifetime value, sentiment, and predictive needs.

Flexible Remote Agent Models

Location-based routing will evolve to seamlessly integrate remote agents spread globally. This provides greater coverage at lower costs.

Key Takeaways

Optimizing call center routing should be a priority for leaders looking to transform customer experience and contact center performance. Here are the key ideas:

  • Efficient CC Routes minimize customer effort and maximize agent productivity.
  • Components like IVR, ACDs, and skills-based routing should align to business goals.
  • Time-based, geographic, and customer-centric routing provides personalization. 
  • Ongoing monitoring and tuning based on call data analytics is imperative.  
  • Look to innovations like AI and omnichannel routing to future-proof your contact center.

With these learnings, you can optimize your call center to enable delightful customer interactions in line with strategic growth.


As the first touchpoint for millions of customers everyday, call centers must have routing capabilities that are robust, nimble, and intelligent. Effective CC Routes directly impact customer satisfaction, employee productivity, and business growth.

By mastering essential practices like detailed traffic analysis, targeted call distribution, and constant optimization, companies can transform their routing approach. Blending the human touch with AI and automation will define the next phase of innovation. 

Businesses that embrace these trends will gain a distinct competitive edge. With a laser focus on customer-centric routing, companies can deliver exceptional caller experiences while driving down costs. That is the true potential of intelligent call center routing.


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about CC Routes:


How long does it take to implement CC Routes?

A basic rollout can be completed in 1-2 months. Comprehensive implementation with deep systems integration can take 6+ months. Define priority use cases first for faster time-to-value.

What are some key metrics to track after implementing CC Routes?

Critical metrics to track include speed to answer, abandonment rate, first-call resolution, transfers rate, customer satisfaction, containment rate and agent occupancy. Measure against baselines to quantify improvements.

How often should routing rules be reviewed and updated?

Review routing rules at least monthly to account for new products, promotions, and evolving traffic patterns. Significant business or seasonal changes may warrant weekly reviews. 

What risks are associated with CC Routes?

Potential risks include integration issues, business disruption from changes, lack of visibility into system performance, and degrading service levels from inaccurate routing. Mitigate with robust testing, change management processes, and call monitoring.

How do CC Routes integrate with CRM and other contact center systems?

Quality CC Routes solutions provide pre-built connectors and APIs to integrate with leading CRM, WFM, database, and telephony systems. This provides a holistic routing view.